
Dämmung von Heizkörpernischen: So verhinderst du Wärmeverluste und sparst Energie

Insulating radiator niches: How to prevent heat loss and save energy

Radiator niches are a common weak point in many older houses and apartments. While they provide space for the heating system, they are often poorly or not insulated at all. This leads to significant heat loss, as the warmth behind...

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Reflektierende Dämmfolie kaufen: Worauf du beim Kauf achten solltest.

Buying reflective insulation: What you should consider when making your purchase?

The demand for efficient and space-saving insulation materials is steadily increasing, and one product in particular is gaining more attention: reflective insulation foil. If you're looking for a practical and effective solution to better insulate your home, reflective insulation foil...

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Dämmung für den Dachboden mit FRIEDWIL FX5

Attic insulation with FRIEDWIL FX5

Attic Insulation: Why it's worth It now – and how you can save money and energy with FRIEDWIL FX5 With rising energy prices and increasingly extreme weather conditions, the topic of energy efficiency for your home is becoming more important....

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Schutz vor Sommerhitze: So hilft dir die Reflexionsdämmung von FRIEDWIL FX5

Heat protection in summer: How the reflective insulation from FRIEDWIL FX5 helps you

Summers are getting hotter, and many of us are noticing it at home. Rooms heat up, and it becomes difficult to maintain comfortable temperatures – especially in older buildings. This is where reflective insulation comes into play: a clever way...

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Energieeffiziente Isolierung für dein Haus: So maximierst du deine Energieeinsparungen

Energy-efficient insulation for your home: How to maximize your energy savings

In times of rising energy costs and increasing environmental pressures, more and more homeowners are thinking about how to make their homes more energy-efficient. The insulation of your house plays a crucial role in this. It not only ensures a...

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GEG, BEG, WEG, EEG – Was ist was? Wichtige Infos für Hauseigentümer

GEG, BEG, WEG, EEG: What means what? Important information for homeowners.

For homeowners in Germany, there are numerous laws and support programs related to energy efficiency and climate protection. Many come across abbreviations like GEG, BEG, WEG, and EEG, which can initially seem confusing. But what exactly do these terms mean,...

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Energetische Sanierung im Altbau: Worauf Eigentümer achten sollten

Energy-efficient renovation in old buildings: What property owners should consider

Energy-efficient renovation in old buildings is becoming an increasingly important topic, especially in times of rising energy costs and growing climate protection requirements. Many old buildings are not well insulated and lose a lot of heat, leading to high heating...

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Dämmung der Kellerdecke: Wohnkomfort mit FRIEDWIL FX5 erhöhen

Insulation of basement ceilings: Increase living comfort with FRIEDWIL FX5

Insulate the basement ceiling and save energy Have you ever considered using your basement as additional living space or simply keeping the floor in the rooms above warmer? Then insulating the basement ceiling is one of the best measures you...

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Gebäudeenergiegesetz (GEG): Was ist das und warum ist es wichtig?

Building Energy Act (GEG): What is it and why is it important?

The Building Energy Act (GEG) is a law in Germany that helps reduce the energy consumption of buildings. It is especially important for anyone looking to build, modernize, or renovate a house to improve energy efficiency. But what exactly is...

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